lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Lattice Dynamics Study of Anisotropic Heat Conduction in Superlattices

G. Chen, bao yang
university of california at Los Angeles
Past studies on the thermal conductivity suggest that phonon confinement and the associated group velocity reduction are the causes of the observed drop in the cross-plane thermal conductivity of semiconductor superlattices. In this work, we investigate the contribution of phonon confinement to the in-plane thermal conductivity of superlattices and the anisotropic effects of phonon confinement on the thermal conductivity in different directions, using a lattice dynamics model. We find that the reduced phonon group velocity due to phonon confinement may account for the dramatic reduction in the cross-plane thermal conductivity, but the in-plane thermal conductivity drop, caused by the reduced group velocity, is much less than the reported experimental results. This suggests that the reduced relaxation time due to diffuse interface phonon scattering, dislocation scattering, etc, should make major contribution to the in-plane thermal conductivit
C.I 19234948

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